
  • Gene expression analysis of ovarian follicles and stromal cells in girls with Turner syndrome

    Ron Peek, Sanne van der Coelen and Marie-Madeleine Dolmans

    Molecular Human Reproduction, 2024, 30(12)

  • Discovery of RNA Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Using
    Cross-Platform Transcriptomics

    Visser WCH , de Jong H, Smit FP, Shrivastava J, Poole JC, Leenders WPJ,
    Melchers WJG , Mulders PFA and Schalken JA.

    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024; 25, 11907

  • Temporal composition of the cervicovaginal microbiome associates with hrHPV infection outcomes in a longitudinal study.

    Mariano A. Molina, William P. J. Leenders, Martijn A. Huynen, Willem J. G. Melchers & Karolina M. Andralojc

    BMC Infectious Diseases volume 24, Article number: 552 (2024)

  • Longitudinal analysis on the ecological dynamics of the cervicovaginal microbiome in hrHPV infection.

    Mariano A. Molina, Willem J.G. Melchers, Karolina M. Andralojc, William P.J. Leenders, Martijn A. Huynen

    Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2023 Sep 12

  • In-depth insights into cervicovaginal microbial communities and hrHPV infections using high-resolution microbiome profiling

    Molina MA, Andralojc KM, Huynen MA, Leenders WPJ, Melchers WJG.

    NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2022 Sep 28;8(1):75.

  • Assessing the Cervicovaginal Microbiota in the Context of hrHPV Infections: Temporal Dynamics and Therapeutic Strategies

    Molina MA, Coenen BA, Leenders WPJ, Andralojc KM, Huynen MA, Melchers WJG.

    mBio. 2022 Aug 18:e0161922.

  • Targeted RNA next generation sequencing analysis of cervical smears can predict the presence of hrHPV-induced cervical lesions

    Andralojc KM, Elmelik D, Rasing M, Pater B, Siebers AG, Bekkers R, Huynen MA, Bulten J, Loopik D, Melchers WJG, Leenders WPJ.

    BMC Med. 2022 Jun 9;20(1):206. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02386-1. PMID: 35676700; PMCID: PMC9178797.

  • Novel high-resolution targeted sequencing of the cervicovaginal microbiome.

    Andralojc KM, Molina MA, Qiu M, Spruijtenburg B, Rasing M, Pater B, Huynen MA, Dutilh BE, Ederveen THA, Elmelik D, Siebers AG, Loopik D, Bekkers RLM, Leenders WPJ, Melchers WJG.

    BMC Biol. 2021 Dec 16;19(1):267. doi: 10.1186/s12915-021-01204-z. PMID: 34915863; PMCID: PMC8680041.

  • RNA-based high-risk HPV genotyping and identification of high-risk HPV transcriptional activity in cervical tissues.

    van den Heuvel C, Loopik DL, Ebisch RMF, Elmelik D, Andralojc KM, Huynen M, Bulten J, Bekkers RLM, Massuger L, Melchers WJG, Siebers AG, Leenders WPJ.

    Mod Pathol 2019

  • Molecular Profiling of Druggable Targets in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Through Targeted RNA Sequencing.

    van den Heuvel C, van Ewijk A, Zeelen C, de Bitter T, Huynen M, Mulders P, Oosterwijk E, Leenders WPJ.

    Front Oncol 2019; 9: 117.

  • Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1-mutated human gliomas depend on lactate and glutamate to alleviate metabolic stress.

    Lenting K, Khurshed M, Peeters TH, van den Heuvel C, van Lith SAM, de Bitter T, Hendriks W, Span PN, Molenaar RJ, Botman D, Verrijp K, Heerschap A, Ter Laan M, Kusters B, van Ewijk A, Huynen MA, van Noorden CJF, Leenders WPJ.

    FASEB J 2019; 33: 557-571.

  • Mapping actionable pathways and mutations in brain tumours using targeted RNA next generation sequencing.

    Lenting K, van den Heuvel CNAM, van Ewijk A, ElMelik D, de Boer, R, Tindall E, Wei G, Kuster B, Te Dorsthorst M, ter Laan M, Huynen MA, Leenders W.

    Acat Neuropathol Commun 2019;7(1):185.

  • Quantification and localization of oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase variant transcripts using molecular inversion probes.

    van den Heuvel C, Das AI, de Bitter T, Simmer F, Wurdinger T, Molina-Vila MA, Leenders WPJ.

    Sci Rep 2018; 8: 7072.

  • Profiling of the metabolic transcriptome via single molecule molecular inversion probes.

    de Bitter T, van de Water C, van den Heuvel C, Zeelen C, Eijkelenboom A, Tops B, Oosterwijk E, Kolev D, Mulders P, Ter Laan M, van Lith S, Leenders W.

    Sci Rep 2017; 7: 11402.